Peter Warrick is a fashion and portrait photographer who currently resides in London and New York City. Originally trained as an actor, Peter has spent many years working and teaching in the professional theatre. It was during long theatre tours during the 1990s that Peter discovered his passion for photography and fashion proved to be the natural progression.
Dramatic and dark in style, Peter is influenced by historical narratives, politics and subcultural city life. He has created diverse fashion images for clients in London and New York. His experience within the industry has seen him work on editorial, campaign and lookbook projects. Peter specializes in incorporating a dramatic eye into his work, where the narrative and truth of the moment is central.
2019 February-April “Dulce Et Decorum Est” Pala Cultura, Messina, Sicily (contributing)
2019 January-February “Taboo” M Victoria, 74 Victoria St London SW1E 6SQ
2018-2019 “Cani In Posa” Venaria, Turin Italy (contributing)
2018 M Threadneedle Street London